Dialysis of a polymer (plastic).

Archive 2018

Dialysis of a polymer (plastic).
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)


Prof. Dr. Schubert with his instrument

The Director of CEEC Jena Professor Ulrich S. Schubert is "University Teacher of the Year"!Kempen: "Founder of the International Young Orchestra Academy combines promotion of young talent and international understanding with outstanding commitment to children suffering from cancer"

The German University Association (DHV) honors Professor Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert as "University Teacher of the Year".

"Ulrich S. Schubert is a leading international chemist and materials scientist with research interests in polymers for nanomedicine, self-healing polymers and metal-free battery systems. As a fivefold father, he is also highly committed to supporting young people outside of his field of expertise," explained the president of the DHV , Professor Bernhard Kempen, the decision. As a passionate clarinettist, Schubert founded the International Young Orchestra Academy (IJOA) back in 1994, which he has since supported in many ways with a lot of passion and energy. "The orchestra academy not only promotes young musical talents, but with more than 3,000 young artists from 90 nations, stands for a true international understanding," emphasized Kempen. The "temporary orchestra" will be occupied by an international competition and study with experienced teachers and conductors during a two-week stay in Germany large symphonic orchestral works, which will be recorded together with the Bavarian Radio on CD and then performed on a concert tour, funded by sponsors and patrons who are recruited anew every year by the Jena scientist. The resulting net proceeds and dedicated donations, which so far amount to more than one million euros, will benefit regional projects to help children with cancer and seriously ill children. "Ulrich S. Schubert Schubert combines promotion of young talent, cultural enjoyment and international understanding in an exemplary manner with the idea of charity," continued the president of DHV. Thus, Schubert has increased the reputation of science in Germany and has rendered outstanding services to the profession of university teachers.

The award includes prize money of 10,000 euros and will be awarded to Professor Schubert on 8 April, 2019, as part of the "Gala of German Science" in Berlin.

Click here for the press release of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (German link) de

The Mitteldeutsche Rundfunk has also reported: here you can access the report in the news program MDR aktuellExternal link and here you will find the article on MDR Radio (German links)External link

This is the homepage of the Internationale Junge OrchesterakademieExternal link

This is the homepage of the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (Deutscher Hochschulverband, in short DHV)External link



A Redox-Flow-Battery

Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

The "second wave of progress" in the field of organic redox flow batteries at a glance

The current issue of "Science" provides an overview about the current state of research and possible application perspectives of organic redox flow batteries (RFBs). In addition to CEEC Jena, a steadily growing number of other research groups around the world are looking for alternatives to expensive and rare vanadium, which is currently used as a raw material for RFBs. Also the director of CEEC Jena Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert provided information on this method of energy storage, which could be used for the storage of renewable energies: The researchers are currently in the middle of a "second wave of progress" in organic RFBs, that is mainly concerned with improved stability, Schubert says. "Science" concludes: That means there's still plenty of room for innovation.

Please download the complete article hereExternal link.



Represantatives of the CEEC at our booth

Presentation of the CEEC Jena at the InnoCon Thüringen and the ESF annual conference

We were very pleased about the opportunity to present the CEEC Jena at two fairs this fall! At the InnoCon Thüringen 2018 on 27 November, 2018, in addition to various lectures, about 40 Thuringian innovation projects of the Thuringian innovation strategy "RIS3 Thuringia" were presented - one of them was the CEEC Jena. On 4 December, 2018, the annual conference of the European Social Fund (ESF) Thuringia took place under the motto "The Future of the ESF and the Future of Europe". Here, too, there were many interesting discussions with the representatives of other ESF-funded projects, as well as with representatives of the competent authorities like Egbert Holthuis from the European Commission. Many thanks to the organizers for the great opportunity to present our work!

Learn more about the InnoCon Thüringen 2018 (German link)External link

Learn more about the ESF annual conference 2018 (German link)External link




Kinder bei Experimenten

New junior scientists?

On 16 November, 2018, six to eight year old children of the State Elementary School Heinrich-Heine Jena visited the laboratories of the Institute for Technical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry (ITUC)External link and of  CEEC Jena as part of their project week on "experiments". They assisted with enthusiasm and curiosity to a chemical show organized by the members of the Balducci´s group.



Graphik to the article

Article in the journal "Polymer Chemistry"

Within the framework of our research project on "block copolymer based hybrid materials for direct electrochemical biosensing of nucleic acids and hemoproteins", which is being funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and is being realized in cooperation with Moscow State University, a new publication in the journal "Polymer Chemistry " has been published. This work focuses on the synthesis of functional graft copolymers via post-polymerization reactions. Different side-chains were introduced onto an ampholytic, pH-responsive polydehydroalanine backbone and the resulting graft copolymers characterized in respect of composition and solution properties. An amphiphilic copolymer featuring C8 side chains was then exemplarily applied as a reversible dispersant for multi-walled carbon nanotubes in water.

Please download the complete article hereExternal link.




Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Article in the "Journal of Power Sources"

The groups of Professor Andrea Balducci and Professor Ulrich S. Schubert published a common work about the influence of the electrolyte composition on the performance of materials for organic radical batteries. In this study named "The influence of the electrolyte composition on the electrochemical behaviour of cathodic materials for organic radical batteries" the two groups showed that utilizing ionic liquids, which are molten salt liquids at room temperature, is possible to realize safe organic batteries with outstanding performance.

Please download the complete article hereExternal link.



Group photo

Image: Kerstin Westphal

Visit from the European Parliament

On 9 November we had a visit from the European Parliament - Jakob von Weizsäcker and Kerstin Westphal, both MEPs, informed themselves about the current situation and the planned further development of CEEC Jena. They also visited our research laboratories and learned about our polymer-based batteries, from small printable systems to polymer redox flow batteries.

Learn more about Jakob von WeizsäckerExternal link

Learn more about Kerstin WestphalExternal link



Little researchers visiting

On 6 November we had a very special visit: pupils of the first and second grade of the State Elementary School Heinrich-Heine Jena came to us to get a taste of university and laboratory air. Not only did the young researchers listen to an interesting lecture on "making edible glass", they also did experiments in our labs. For example, they examined their oral mucus under a microscope, made lollipops from sugar solution, mixed colorful slime, produced alginate balls and pulled nylon threads. "I liked making the slime best," said the eight-year-old Theo Küchler after the event, and with this opinion he was certainly not alone. Who knows, maybe we have already been able to inspire a future chemist for our subject?

Here are some impressions:

Researcher with window

Online voting for the »Innovation Radar Prize 2018«

FSU Research Team Finalist for European Commission Innovation Award

The Friedrich Schiller University Jena is among the 50 finalists selected by the EU Commission from several thousand research teams for the competition for the "Innovation Radar Prize 2018". This award, which has been awarded in five categories, aims to recognize particularly innovative companies, institutions and outstanding projects from the research and innovation programs of the European Commission. The basis for the nomination in the category "Tech for Society - Recognizing Technologies Impacting Society and Citizens" is the development of new materials for energy-efficient and intelligent building shells at the CEEC Jena, especially within the research project LaWin (Large-area Fluidic Windows)External link at the laboratory of glass science.

Public voting will decide on the award. Under the link

https://ec.europa.eu/futurium/en/tech-society-2018/friedrich-schiller-university-jenaExternal link 

you can vote for the project of the University of Jena.

The four teams from each category, which receive the most votes in the voting, are invited in December to a public pitch to Brussels. In this case, the overall winner will be chosen. More information hereExternal link.

The aim of the research project is to develop and bring to market functional façade and window systems that significantly improve the energy balance of buildings, thereby helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The glass chemists around Prof. Wondraczek work together in this project with colleagues from other universities as well as a whole range of industrial partners from Germany, Austria, Belgium and the Czech Republic.





Dr. Sabine Awe holding her lecture

Annual event of the
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

At the annual event of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) on 18 October, 2018 under the motto "Cohesion Policy of the Future - ERDF in Transition", CEEC Jena was presented as an example of successful support to "strengthen research, technological development and innovation" ( Priority 1 of the Thuringia Operational Program (OP) ERDF 2014 to 2020).
In her presentation on the "Interim Results OP ERDF 2014 - 2020", the department head for economic development at the Thuringian Ministry of Science, Economy and Digital Society (TMWWDG), Dr. Sabine Awe mentioned our work at CEEC Jena. With approximately 435 million euros and thus almost 30% of the entire program, state-funded research institutions and the innovative capacity of the economy are supported across the whole of Thuringia. About 6.5 million euros of this amount were made available to CEEC Jena last year for the research of innovative energy storage concepts.

Learn more about the EFRE annual event (German link)External link

Learn more about the promotion of CEEC Jena through the European Regional Development Fund



Dr. Winter and Ms. Zapfe

Image: Thüringer Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Digitale Gesellschaft, Volker Kurz

Presentation of the RegioStars Awards in Brussels

On 9 October, 2018 the presentation of the RegioStars Awards 2018 in Brussels took place as part of the European Week of Regions and CitiesExternal link, and CEEC Jena was also a finalist in the category "Achieving Sustainability through Low Carbon Emissions". We were delighted about the visit of Dr. Babette Winter, State Secretary for Culture and Europe in the Thuringian State Chancellery, Ms. Annelie Zapfe, Consultant for Research, Technology, Innovation Policy and Culture at the Representation of the Free State of Thuringia of the EU and Mr. Karl-Heinz Lambertz, President of the Committee of the Regions of the EU, at our booth. The finalist project has been represented by Dr. Alexandra Lex-Balducci from our team of scientific co-ordinators  and Volker Kurz, Head of Unit in the administrative and certifying authority ERDF of the Thüringer Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Digitale Gesellschaft (TMWWDG).

Learn moreExternal link



Prof. Dr. Schubert with his instrument

Federal Cross of Merit for Professor Schubert

"Culture connects!" - Under this motto, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier honored 29 citizens with the Federal Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany on the occasion of the Day of German Unity. The 13 women and 16 men have made outstanding contributions to the Federal Republic through their extraordinary artistic achievements, their outstanding voluntary work or their cultural and political commitment.

Among the distinguished citizens is Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert, Jena (Chairman of the Kultur- und Sozialstiftung Internationale Junge Orchesterakademie, Professor at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and head of the CEEC Jena).

Culture creates community. Ulrich S. Schubert is one of the world's leading chemists - and he is also a passionate clarinetist. Being able to train young people is a great stroke of luck both as a scientist and in music. In 1994 Ulrich S. Schubert founded the International Young Orchestra Academy. The renowned Youth Symphony Orchestra not only promotes professionally young talents, but also practices international understanding, for example, by bringing together young people from North and South Korea to perform together. With the proceeds from the concerts and now more than 20 CDs social assistance actions are supported. The five-time father has already raised more than one million euros for children with cancer.

The award ceremony took place on 2 October, 2018 at 11 am in Bellevue Palace.

Homepage of the Internationale Junge OrchesterakademieExternal link

Press Release of the Office of the Federal President (German link)External link

Press Resease of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (German link)External link

Interview with Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert with the newspaper "Thüringer Allgemeine" (German link)External link



Handover of the Federal Cross of Merit by Frank-Walter Steinmeier

Image: Bundesregierung / Gero Breloer

Group picture of all winners with Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier

Image: Bundesregierung / Gero Breloer





Cover of the white paper

Image: FG Makro/GDCh

More than 130 polymer experts - 1 white paper

A new white paper Polymer Research in Germany is published by the division of macromolecular chemistry of the German Society of Chemistry (GDCh), which is supported by more than 130 professors as well as industry representatives and a range of scientific divisions. The coordination was performed by Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert (Friedrich Schiller University Jena) and Prof. Dr. Martin Möller (RWTH Aachen and Leibniz-Institute DWI). The pdf-Version (in German and English) can be found at the website of the division of macromolecular chemistry www.macrochem.org/positionspapierExternal link.

The task of this white paper on polymer research is to contribute towards shaping and promoting of the research field and to draw attention to the expansion and integration of other sub-fields to one large scientific field of Molecular Materials and Polymer Science, which has already been initiated. The authors are convinced that this is one of the most exciting and most influential scientific fields of the 21st century. However, due to its interdisciplinary interconnection its advancement represents a challenge for universities and research institutes but also for the future development of competitive support structures.

The verbalized future perspectives are first and foremost addressed to scientists, with the goal of promoting interdisciplinary cooperation and convergence but also to associations, the media as well as funding agencies and supporters to illustrate the general importance of the progress perspectives on a larger scale.



Open House

With more than 400 visitors, the Open House in the Center for Applied Research on 22 September, 2018 was a great success! We opened our doors as part of the nationwide Day of Chemistry, to which the German chemical industry association (VCI) called. In addition to information stands, various lectures and laboratory tours, there were many exciting experiments and a wheel of fortune especially for our younger guests. The CEEC Jena presented its work too, here are some impressions:

A Redox-Flow-Battery

Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Article in "European Energy Innovation"

Our polymer redox flow batteries were featured in the latest issue of the European Energy Innovation magazine, published by the European Regions Research & Innovation Network (ERRIN)External link. Under the title "European regions innovating on sustainable battery solutions" Ulrich S. Schubert provides information on the mode of operation and potential applications of this environmentally friendly alternative to conventional redox flow batteries. Please find the complete article HEREExternal link.



Booth of the CEEC Jena

One MoMINT please!

From 11 to 13 September 2018, the MINT Festival took place for the first time at FSU Jena, where everything revolved around the MINT disciplines of mathematics, informatics, natural sciences and technology. It was a colorful program consisting of exciting lectures, hands-on experiments, workshops, offers for career guidance and a student competition. We were also represented with an information booth. In addition, Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert held a lecture on "batteries of the future".

Many thanks to the organizers for this great forum!

Learn more (German Link) de



The Balducci Group in Bologna

CEEC Jena at the ISE Bologna and ILED Rome

The group of Prof. Balducci presented its work on innovative electrolytes for supercapacitors and batteries during the 69th annual meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, which took place the 2-7 September in Bologna, Italy. During this meeting, which is one the largest and most important meeting worldwide dedicated to electrochemistry, the members of the group gave 5 oral presentations and showed 1 poster. Prof. Balducci was also giving an invited lecture during the 6th Edition of the International Meeting on Ionic Liquids for Electrochemical Devices (ILED-6), which took place the 9-11 September in Rome, Italy.





Professor Schubert and Professor Newkome in front of the Center for Applied Research

Visit by Prof. Dr. George R. Newkome

From 3 to 7 September, 2018 Professor George R. Newkome from the Center for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (Florida Atlantic University, USA) visited the Center for Applied Research (ZAF). In addition to a lab tour, conversations with various members of the Schubert Group and visits to other institutes in Jena, Dresden and Berlin, he gave a lecture on "Approaches to Precise One-step Macromolecular Assemblies".

Please download the invitation to the lecture with abstract and curriculum vitae HEREpdf, 153 kb · de.






Liaison between sulfur and carbon

Chemists discover unexpected transport process for metal-sulfur batteries

Learn more (German Link) de



Report in "heute journal" on ZDF

The theme of Europe was on everyone's lips on 14 August in Jena, namely the civil dialogue with Chancellor Angela Merkel, about which the ZDF reported in "heute journal". The film crew was also in the CEEC Jena to learn about the startup company "SmartDyeLivery" based in our building and funded by EU funds. In addition, the members of the CEEC Jena Dr. Alexandra Lex-Balducci and Prof. Dr. Andrea Balducci provided information about their special relationship to Europe.

Watch the report here!External link



JULY 2018


A Redox-Flow-Battery

Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Germany's first gigafactory in Thuringia

The ARD reported on 9 July, 2018 about the plans of the Chinese battery manufacturer CATL and about the storage technologies, which are being researched at CEEC Jena.
CATL plans to invest about 240 million euros by 2022 in a state-of-the-art car battery factory near Erfurt. Initially, around 600 jobs will be created. Thuringia's Minister of Economic Affairs, Wolfgang Tiefensee, believes that the federal state has the opportunity "to become one of the most important European locations for battery technology". At the CEEC Jena, just half an hour's drive from the planned factory, we are researching the greener future of batteries which shall be lighter and shouldn't contain heavy metals.

Learn more (German links):
ARD MorgenmagazinExternal link
ARD TagesthemenExternal link



Kerstin Westphal, Corina Crețu, Dr. Alexandra Lex-Balducci and Lambert Van Nistelrooij holding the certificate

Image: Europäische Kommission

Certificate Ceremony der RegioStars Awards 2018 in Strasbourg

Dr. Alexandra Lex-Balducci from the scientific coordinator team of CEEC Jena received our certificate as finalist of the RegioStars Awards 2018 on 3 July, 2018. It was handed over by the EU Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Creţu and the jury chairpersons Lambert Van Nistelrooij and Kerstin Westphal.

In addition, it is now possible to publicly vote who wins this year's Public Choice Award. Give us your vote HEREExternal link!

Learn moreExternal link



JUNE 2018


Banner RegioStars Finalist 2018

Image: DG REGIO – European Commission

Will the CEEC Jena be the RegioStar 2018?

We are very pleased to be nominated as finalist for this year's RegioStars Awards of the European Commission! Together with three other programs from various European regions our project Batteries for the future is standing in the finals of the category Achieving sustainability through low carbon emissions. The project, based at CEEC Jena, explores new battery technologies based on readily available, noncritical raw materials, such as plastic-based printable batteries, solar batteries or polymer-redox-flow batteries.

The big evening follows on 9 October, 2018: The presentation of the RegioStars Awards by the EU Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Creţu. The event, which takes place within the framework of the European Week of Regions and Cities, is expected to attract around 1,700 people in the Square Congress Center in Brussels.

Since 2008 the RegioStars Award has distinguished the most innovative and inspiring EU-funded projects. From a total of 102 applications, the jury of 15 experts selected 21 finalists from 20 EU member states and five other partner countries. Overall, the prizes are awarded in five categories. The projects will be presented in Brussels on 3 July, 2018 in the presence of Corina Creţu and jury chairmen Lambert Van Nistelrooij and Kerstin Westphal, both Members of the European Parliament. On this day the online vote for the Public Choice Award starts too, whose winner will be publicly elected via social media and at the award ceremony itself.

Learn moreExternal link



Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert is giving a lecture

Image: © Pieter de Jong/Wetsus

European Sustainable Energy Week

At the side event of the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) organised by the Thüringer Landesvertretung in Brussels and the European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN) Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert presented our batteries based on organic and polymeric active units on 6 June, 2018. The event named "Energy Storage Vision 2025. Can we beat Elon Musk?" was aimed at all actors who deal with the topic of "Clean Energy Transition".

It was followed by a discussion with representatives from the European Commission departments for Energy as well as Research and Innovation on the possibilities of better linking innovative energy storage solutions with European networks and funding programs.

Learn moreExternal link



MAY 2018


Emission of rylene dyes used as light harvesting units by CataLight to activate efficient photocatalysis for water splitting.

Image: Martin Schulz/FSU

Start of the new Collaborative Research Center / Transregio "CataLight"!

The German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) supports the new Collaborative Research Center / Transregio (CRC/TRR) 234 "CataLight"! The joint transregional CRC "Light-driven Molecular Catalysts in Hierarchically Structured Materials - Synthesis and Mechanistic Studies" of the University of Ulm and the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena investigates the basic functionality as well as first  applications of innovative photocatalytically active materials. Its goal is to make use of light for the production of high-energy materials and to design new materials for sustainable energy conversion, following the example of nature. Other project partners are the University of Vienna, the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz as well as the Leibniz Institute for Photonic Technology in Jena.

Deputy Speaker of the SFB/TRR is the member of the CEEC Jena Prof. Dr. med. Benjamin Dietzek from the Institute of Physical Chemistry of Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena. In addition, Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert, Prof. Dr. Felix H. Schacher, Prof. Dr. Stefanie Gräfe, Prof. Dr. Kalina Peneva and Prof. Dr. Andrey Turchanin from the CEEC Jena are involved.

Learn more (German link) de



Broadcast in "makro" on 3sat

Our energy storage systems were mentioned in the show "makro" on the German TV-station 3sat. Watch the complete broadcast HEREExternal link!



APRIL 2018


Prof. Schubert standing in front of the booth of the CEEC Jena

Image: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg /Michael Kauert

Hannover Messe 2018 we were there!

Five days, 210,000 trade visitors, more than 5,000 exhibitors and the CEEC Jena was in the thick of it! Around 150 guests from science, research, industry and politics gathered information about our new storage systems first and foremost the Minister President of Thuringia Bodo Ramelow and the President of the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, BAM) Prof. Dr. med. rer. nat. habil. Ulrich Panne, who showed great interest in our research on organic and polymeric-redox-flow batteries and thin-film batteries.

Our motto "Welcome to the post-lithium era" gave rise to numerous intensive discussions with visitors at the booth, for example about the advantages of the presented technologies compared to current storage technologies and their potential fields of application. Professor Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert took up these issues as well in his lecture on "Revolutionary battery concepts - from smart clothes to energy saving storage" on 26 April, 2018 in the Science Square, where he talked about batteries based on organic and polymeric active units without the use of toxic metals.

Here are some impressions from Hannover:

  • Prof. Schubert talks to the Thuringian Minister-President Bodo Ramelow
    Image: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg /Michael Kauert
  • Prof. Schubert talks to the Thuringian Minister-President Bodo Ramelow
    Image: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg /Michael Kauert
  • Prof. Schubert gives a talk in front of the audience
    Image: FSU Jena/Eva Bartholmé
  • Prof. Schubert gives a talk in front of the audience
    Image: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg/Michael Kauert

Prof. Dr. Lothar Wondraczek

Master Programme "Chemistry of Materials" starts in winter semester 2018/2019

The programme co-ordinator will be Prof. Dr. Lothar Wondraczek. The international study programme Chemistry of Materialsis research-oriented and provides, based on the education in a qualified undergraduate degree programme, the ability to work independently in a modern, interdisciplinary field at the interface between chemistry, physics and materials science. The study programme provides extensive knowledge of synthesis, chemistry and the properties of novel functional materials. the entire spectrum from the molecule via nanoscale materials to the bulk materials will be discussed. A particular focus is given on advanced methods of industrial materials synthesis and chemical processing, such as nanomaterials, thin films, macromolecular materials, glasses and ceramics, and materials for energy. In these fields, both extensive experimental-analytical skills and computer simulation from atomistic to meso and macroscopic length scale are of particular interest.

The application deadline for winter semester 2018/19 is extended to July 15th.

Please find further information in the flyer of the master programmepdf, 2 mb · de or HEREExternal link.



Editorial in "Angewandte Chemie - International Edition"

"The Energy Challenge, Batteries, and Why Simple Math Matters"  that's the topic of a guest editorial by Prof. Dr. Philipp Adelhelm in the German and international edition of the scientific journal "Angewandte Chemie".

Please download the English version HEREExternal link.



Dr. Alexandra Lex-Balducci, Heiko Knopf, Dr. Margret Franz and Dr. Martin Hager at the lab tour.

Image: FSU Jena / Alexandra Lex-Balducci

Representatives of Jenas Green Party came to visit the CEEC Jena

Dr. Margret Franz and Heiko Knopf from the Green Party fraction of the city council Jena followed on 24 April, 2018 the invitation of Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert to the CEEC Jena. Here they had a laboratory tour and conducted an intensive conversation with Professor Schubert, Dr. med. Alexandra Lex-Balducci and Dr. Martin Hager to get a detailed impression of our work.



Polyxmers for organic solar modules.

Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Sustainable and innovative solutions

This year's appearance at the "Hannover Messe" is determined by innovation and sustainability: "Research for the Future" is the name of the joint booth of the universities and research institutions in Thuringia, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt. From 23 to 27 April, 2018 the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems (IKTS) in Hermsdorf will present themselves there. Under the umbrella of the "Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry Jena" (CEEC Jena), organic batteries and inkjet printers for functional materials are on display.

Learn more (German link)External link



Batteries, biochips and imaging of the future

Materials scientists and physicists of the FSU Jena presented three research projects at the trade fair Analytica from 10 to 13 April, 2018 in Munich - among them was the CEEC Jena.

Learn more (German link)External link

Here are a few impressions from the International Trade Fair for Laboratory Technology, Analysis, Biotechnology and analytica conference:

  • The booth of the CEEC Jena at the analytica.
    Image: FSU Jena / Oliver Zumann
  • Batteries made by the CEEC Jena.
    Image: FSU Jena / Oliver Zumann
  • People talking at the booth of the CEEC Jena.
    Image: FSU Jena / Oliver Zumann

Portrait Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert

Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

We have a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors in our ranks!

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the CEEC Jena Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert is now an official Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI)! The induction ceremony for the 155 new Fellows took place on 5 April, 2018, as part of the NAI's 7th Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. And it was also discussed in the United States Congress.

Learn moreExternal link






Rainbow-coloured nanostructures

New publication in "Carbon"

The surface of materials can have an enormous influence on their function. If the external properties are changed, this also expands the range of possible applications. This is why materials scientists at Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany) are researching how they can tailor the surfaces of different materials using laser technology. They are mainly focusing on laser-induced periodic surface structures, also known as LIPSS. This method can be used to create particularly tiny structures. They report on a very special success in this field in the internationally renowned trade journal "Carbon".

Learn moreExternal link



MARCH 2018


TV-report on euronews. on supercapacitors

Prof. Dr. Andrea Balducci talks about supercapacitors on the show Business Planet on euronews: 

Picture gallery of the honorary doctorate for Prof. Dr. med. John B. Goodenough on 28 March, 2018:

  • Prof. Dr. John B. Goodenough with the copy of his 1922 birth certificate issued in Jena ...
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